* * * * * Flag of India. Flag of the British Raj: 1880 - 1947. Bombay, India: I was assigned my first trip to Bombay, with SIA, on 3 rd December 1987. As for the Bombay Airport, it was an absolute dump. My first clue; was the inability of the Indian controllers to radar vector us. Instead, we’re required to fly over the airfield at altitude, track outbound using a VOR radial to the Outer Marker, perform a procedure turn - turning us 180 degrees – and then intercept the ILS to track back inbound to Runway Two Seven (270°/090° magnetic, West/East). A time and fuel wasting, antiquated instrument approach right out of WWII. As for the terminal, it was old, tired and badly in need of renovation. In spite of this, Bomb...